So I'm a new Independent Beauty Consultant... now what?!?
So I'm a new Independent Beauty Consultant... now what?!?
Welcome to Mary Kay Cosmetics and The Forbes Frontrunners Unit!
I am your Sales Director and our Unit number is GE90. We are part of the Kerry Buskirk National Area and we’re also in the Emerald Sales Division (There are 4 other divisions within Mary Kay Cosmetics) This is helpful to know when reading through the Applause Magazine, which you will begin receiving soon!
There are two websites you will want to visit frequently:
www.marykayintouch.com (The Mary Kay Consultant website where you will go to place product orders and for lots of other useful information!)
forbesfrontrunner.wixsite.com/unit (This is our Unit website where you will find training documents, our monthly newsletter, and calendar of events!)
One of the things I like best about this business is that there is a level playing field. Once you master just a few basic skills, you will be on your way to achieving anything you want —and I mean anything! (Remember that there are more women that earn over $100,000 in Mary Kay than any other company in the U.S.!)
I’m looking forward to working with you and I am committed to helping you succeed beyond your wildest dreams! YOU can do it!
Stephanie Forbes
Senior Sales Director

New Consultant

Make Your Inventory Decision
Everyone begins her Mary Kay business to be successful, and we all want to make money as soon as possible! The amount of inventory you start with is ultimately your decision as is how you choose to finance it. I am a firm believer in having a profit level inventory. How can you sell from an empty wagon? None of us do business with grocery stores that do not have inventory nor do we shop in retail stores without inventory. Do you expect your customers to spend their dollars with a beauty consultant that has no product? Remember to treat your customers the way you would want to be treated.
Inventory WS

Schedule Your First Practice Appointemnts
I encourage you to start doing some “practice faces” as soon as you receive your starter kit. Don’t worry—you don’t need to know “everything” before starting! (Most people know what a cleanser etc. does!) Let's get your first practice appointments on the books! Using the 'Magic Script' to the right, you will send out 10 text messages, facebook messages, or phone calls (whichever is the best method to communicate with her) and get those on the books! This script packet, will walk you through every single scenario of a typical conversation in our business when booking appointments.
Magic Script

Track Power Start
Attend Your First Meeting
Attending our weekly meetings is among your first steps to success. I encourage you to take full advantage of these as they will provide you with training, recognition, motivation, and prizes! If you live outside the Wichita area, I will find you an Adopted Director so that you can take advantage of meetings and events in your local area. Wherever you live, there is a meeting for you almost every week! It is proven fact that those consultants who SHOW UP, GO UP!
Tuesday Success Meetings
7-8:30 PM, RSVP by noon please!
Wednesday Marketing Calls
9 PM
Sharing Appointments (for contest and pearls of sharing)
In-Person Share Times
By Appointment Only
Meetings are held at my home
10236 W Westlakes Ct,
Wichita, KS 67205

Training Videos